Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Spec Figures 4

I'm so happy to get this today. Spec Figures 4 magazine/book (so-call mook) is a collaboration of Japanese 1/6 customizers showcasing their military figures. So far there are four edition, with the latest presenting the U.S Army, the previous were based on British army and U.S Marines.

The work presented are amazing with each customziers focusing on every little details. Also there are tutorials on how to weather down clothes and how to make your own 1/6 bdus and boots. Though there are a lot of pictures, which are easy to follow, all text are in Japanese.

I enjoy reading through these books since they capture various eras of military forces, giving people ideas and knowledge on how to customize their figures.

I purchased mine from Hobby Link Japan and I advised people who are into 1/6th should get a copy as well, since the pictures alone offer a wealth of information. Here's a few pages of the book.


Shaun said...

thanks for the pix, cool blog you have. :)

Doly Sinaga said...

Hi, I'm interested in getting this magazine but all I really need is the tutorial on how to weather BDU's. Is the tutorial exhaustive and comprehensive or it was just one page?
